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Your dose of fun, easy, and straightforward tips to market your business effectively.

The Hook πŸŽ£

AI Doesn't Replace Us (Yet!) ... But Some Tools Make Great Assistants

We haven't sent out a newsletter in a while ... because I've been testing AI tools for YOU. AI won't replace you but it can make your life easier. Here are a few of our favorites (and a few to avoid). 

Best AI Blog/Article Writer: Longshot.ai

Also tested: Scalenut, Reword, Journalist AI, Zimmwriter, Jasper

What we LOVE: 

  • Fact-checker + Citations
  • Brand Voice
  • Affordable ($6/mo., fully featured)
  • Content Planner
  • SEO/Google Search Console features
  • AI interlinking (auto-inserts links to your other blog posts)
  • Publishes to WordPress, Ghost, Webflow, etc.
  • Great customer service

I asked Zimmwriter to create a post about Italian women winemakers from the 1800s. The article was fantastic. All the women.... completely made up by AI. Enter Longshot's FactGPT, which reviews all the claims in an article, provides citations, and flags false claims. 

What we don't love: we've found a few nit-picky bugs (quickly fixed by customer service!). 

Best AI Video Creator/Editor: Descript and Pictory 

What we love about Descript:

  • Longevity 
  • Stability (platform + pricing (first price increase in years))
  • Text editing of audio and video 

What we love about Pictory:

  • Blog to video feature is mind-blowing for blogs
  • Easy to upload shorts and add music/branding
  • Fully featured AI video maker 

What we don't love: Descript's interface is getting easier but still not intuitive. Pictory's sound quality isn't the greatest, customer service lacking, and it's a little buggy.

Best for prompts: Claude 

ChatGPT was our favorite until the most recent Claude update. Claude's answers are smarter, more human. It's difficult because there are more apps for ChatGPT, but we're looking at reliability. We also love Anthropic's (Claude's) structure (Long-Term Benefit Trust)... meanwhile we don't love that OpenAI (ChatGPT) added a former NSA Chief to its board. ... 

Final Notes

We still love Writer more than Grammarly. We're not interested in AI image generators, so don't ask. Gamma.app is on our radar for presentations, but we aren't ready to make a full-throated recommendation. 

Quotable Quips πŸ’¬

The best marketing doesn't feel like marketing. β€” Tom Fishburne

Coming Attractions πŸ€©

Office Hours

July 25 β€’ 9-11 AM β€’ Zoom

Our community members have been diving deep into email marketing. At this month's office hours they'll explore a practical application for their new skills: Fall Promotions. ... because it's DEFINITELY NOT too soon to think about your specials.

The Billboard πŸ“–

AI-Washing: Are Buyers Being Taken to the Cleaners?

If it feels like everything is AI this, AI that ... that's because IT IS. AI-washing is the practice of making false or exaggerated claims about what AI can do (πŸ‘‹ Amazon) to increase sales (SEC investigation). Long story short, for every platform that (rightfully) calls AI a 'co-pilot' or 'assistant,' there are businesses and influencers bombarding you with wild claims about AI's capabilities, success, monetization, etc. The gold rush is on... be careful. If it sounds too good to be true, it is.

The Punchline πŸ€£

I nicknamed my dog β€œNumber of Instagram Followers,” because he doesn’t pay the bills but he makes me feel important.

The Tagline πŸ“

4 Reasons Why Adobe Can Go to πŸ”₯H-E-πŸ’πŸ’

The downside of AI is it can also be used to mine your data (looking at you, Zoom), or as our guest blogger explains, Adobe's complexity, pricing, and anti-artist AI Terms of Service starts a revolt.

The Call to Action πŸ“£

Introducing: Member Newsletter Profiles

If you would like to be featured in our newsletter: name, website, unique value proposition... reply to this message or let Jen/Alonti know. We would love to support you and your business. 

πŸ’Œ That's a wrap.


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You have a question or comment (or want to say hi!), hit reply.

See you again next week.

Have a great day,


Jen McFarland, CEO
Women Conquer Business

P.S. Ready To Work Together? Here are 3 ways to receive support:

Marketing Consulting, confidence-boosting guidance with a patient teacher, action-oriented goal-setting, and accountability in a safe, confidential space.

Get a Marketing Blueprint to position your business for future growth.

Join my Business Marketing Coaching Community when you're tired of throwing things against the wall to market your business. There's a better way, I promise.

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Women Conquer Business is a boutique digital marketing consultancy that helps service businesses slay digital marketing overwhelm and streamline processes, so you can amplify your impact. We deliver on our promise through individual consulting engagements and our business marketing coaching community.

Women Conquer Business

401 NE 19th Ave #200
Portland, OR 97206
United States of America

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