Here's what to do instead. View in browser 

Your dose of fun, easy, and straightforward tips to market your business effectively.

The Hook 🎣

The Eternal Reluctance to Make Social Media Easier on Yourself

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of conducting a marketing training for about 35 restaurant owners from the Oregon coast and the Columbia River Gorge — two highly touristed areas in Oregon.

These folks were business veterans, not newbies.

I asked one of my favorite questions: raise your hand if you use a social media scheduler (e.g., Social Bee, Later, Buffer, Meta) to post to social media?

Three hands raised.


Then, I asked: raise your hand if you forgot to post a special to social media, and race to your phone to quickly post something….

Everyone raised their hand.

I then went on to explain the benefits of planning and scheduling your social media posts.

It’s a simple recipe:

  • Set aside time once a month.

  • Plan and create social media posts.

  • Schedule.

  • Spend 15 minutes twice a day engaging with your community, and replying to comments.

Planning isn’t sexy. But your sanity is.

I get it, there was a ton of bluster a few years ago that scheduling posts resulted in less organic reach.

Yes, anecdotally, you might increase your reach if you schedule inside the platform (i.e., Meta (FB + Instagram), LinkedIn, TikTok), BUT getting it done consistently is more important.

Because ... I’ve got news for you. Organic social media reach is abysmal either way.

Save yourself the headache (and stress) — plan and schedule your social media posts because you have better things to do.

Quotable Quips 💬

You are everywhere, but you don’t have to be. Strategy is a decision to take a path, to say no. — Kristina Halvorson

Coming Attractions 🤩

Marketing Quarterly Planning

June 12 • 9-10 AM • Zoom

Our members-only simple SMART Marketing Strategy makes a clear connection between your business goals and marketing tasks. Don't let another quarter pass without a marketing plan.

The Billboard 📖

Marketing 2.0: Embracing The AI-Powered Future

AI, like most tools, needs to be used judiciously, and at the right time. The article is on point, saying that it increases efficiency. For example, I recently uploaded 75 testimonials into Senja (to collect and manage testimonials). Senja’s AI analyzes my testimonials, searching for pain points, common phrases, and what my customers love. This is a fantastic use of marketing AI — analyzing a big data set so you can figure out how to use it.

The Punchline 🤣

How did Yoda get his first lead?

He used the Sales Force.

The Tagline 📝

Google Apps Script: When Other Integrations Don't Exist

When no code automation (Zapier, Integrately, Make, Pabbly, etc.) lets you down, Google Apps Script may be your emergency partner.

The Call to Action 📣

Join Our Business Marketing Coaching Community

We only talk about marketing that works. And we help you build a plan you'll do.


💌 That's a wrap.


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You have a question or comment (or want to say hi!), hit reply.

See you again next week.

Have a great day,


Jen McFarland, CEO
Women Conquer Business

P.S. Ready To Work Together? Here are 3 ways to receive support:

Marketing Consulting, confidence-boosting guidance with a patient teacher, action-oriented goal-setting, and accountability in a safe, confidential space.

Get a Marketing Blueprint to position your business for future growth.

Join my Business Marketing Coaching Community when you're tired of throwing things against the wall to market your business. There's a better way, I promise.

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Women Conquer Business is a boutique digital marketing consultancy that helps service businesses slay digital marketing overwhelm and streamline processes, so you can amplify your impact. We deliver on our promise through individual consulting engagements and our business marketing coaching community.

Women Conquer Business

401 NE 19th Ave #200
Portland, OR 97206
United States of America

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