The good news is it's simple. The bad news is... View in browser 

Your Marketing Success Relies on Discipline

If you're running a small business, you know financial ebbs and flows can be calm or downright treacherous ... but it all depends on one thing.

Once you master this, you escape the cold, washing machine waves of the Oregon Coast 🌊 and enter the calm, warm waters of Hawaii 🏄‍♀️.

It's simple, not easy.

But, after 20+ years in marketing, I can tell you, hands-down the single most important thing you need to have is:


Here's why discipline is the most important muscle you need to build for being effective and successful in business in general ... and marketing in particular.

If you're consistently checking finances, you have your finger on the pulse of the health of your operations and sales. 

It takes discipline to check even when you know things aren't great.


I'm working with a new client on their strategy, messaging, and SEO. 

The first muscle we're building? Discipline.

Discipline means talking about offerings every day. In public. 

You don't have to hit people over the head with sales. Think of it as a conversation.

Why? Because if it hasn't been happening, much of what you know about the audience is theory. 

Then, you have to pay attention to the response. 

Want to grow your audience and increase sales? It comes from getting your reps in, then following up with reporting, tracking, and adjusting

Discipline means you're not only consistent (whether it's ads, reels, blogs, networking, etc.) and patient (give it time, avoid trend-hopping), but you also have the fortitude to stay on message even if it means repeating yourself over ... and over ... and over again.

It means showing up even when it's hard.

It means making time because something is better than nothing.

Remember: it's a marathon, not a sprint.

Now go get your marketing workout in.

Marketing Outreach Campaigns 

Online Marketing Training for Small Businesses

If you've focused on one-to-one engagements or social media, it's time to consider outreach campaigns. Let's get your business in front of influential groups filled with your ideal clients. Free for members.

May 29th, 9-10am via Zoom 

Follow-Up: Google Domains Closure

A few months ago, I voiced concerns about Squarespace buying Google Domains. Now that domains are migrating, it turns out we were right to be worried. Here's my review, including a recommendation on what to use instead.

Reach Your Goals: Join Our Business Marketing Coaching Community

We only talk about marketing that works. And we help you build a plan you will actually do.


💌 That's a wrap.


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You have a question or comment (or want to say hi!), hit reply.

See you again next week.

Have a great day,


Jen McFarland, CEO
Women Conquer Business

P.S. Ready To Work Together? Here are 3 ways to receive support:

Marketing Consulting, confidence-boosting guidance with a patient teacher, action-oriented goal-setting, and accountability in a safe, confidential space.

Get a Marketing Blueprint to position your business for future growth.

Join my Business Marketing Coaching Community when you're tired of throwing things against the wall to market your business. There's a better way, I promise.

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Women Conquer Business is a boutique digital marketing consultancy that helps service businesses slay digital marketing overwhelm and streamline processes, so you can amplify your impact. We deliver on our promise through individual consulting engagements and our business marketing coaching community.

Women Conquer Business

401 NE 19th Ave #200
Portland, OR 97206
United States of America

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